De eerste €10.000 euro is opgehaald
09 May 2021 09:00It has been exactly a month since I started my Walk for Homs adventure. What beautiful stories about Uncle Frans come up. It is extraordinary to experience that my initiative is so embraced by different people, parishes, monasteries, sisters, bishops and dioceses. I am very grateful for this and I cannot wait to see what the future will bring.
Already raised more than € 10,000
Today the donation counter has jumped over € 10,000. What a wonderful news to start this Sunday with. A great amount for which I would like to thank Nita van Bergen in particular. She registered on April 9 and has since raised € 5,000. So all credit goes to her today.
Nita works at the Conference of Dutch Religious (the umbrella organization for religious in the Netherlands) and therefore feels very involved in Walk for Homs. The choice whether she just wanted to donate or participate was an easy one. Together with me she will walk the pilgrimage from Amsterdam to 's-Hertogenbosch next year. Nita, thank you for your great efforts.